You might wonder why I titled my article "Artificial Intelligence and Humans" instead of just "Artificial Intelligence." This stems entirely from my philosophical approach. While delving into the specifics of this approach is beyond the scope of this article, as an existentialist, I believe this is the most consistent and easily verifiable perspective. From the observed universe to the objects nearest to us, it is humans who imbue these things with meaning. In a universe devoid of humans, the fundamental entity capable of naming, interacting with, and comprehending the workings of existence is missing. In such an environment, there is naturally no distinction between existence and non-existence, between being and nothingness. Existence in all its facets requires a consciousness to observe and interact with it.
This approach is insufficient to explain everything. In fact, according to this perspective, a single objective explanation doesn't exist. The reciprocal dance between existence and consciousness presents us with a set of diverse realities. One is not superior or inferior to the other. Different realities emerge in the micro-world and different realities in the macro-world. Their interrelationships could be the subject of a separate article.
Within this basic framework, it is, I believe, easier to understand why I don't address Artificial Intelligence on its own. While we cannot even speak of the existence of a being that is not defined or related to by humans, we are compelled to analyze every being in conjunction with humans. Discussions divorced from this perspective (questions like "What is Artificial Intelligence?" "What is its essence?" "What is its power?") are meaningless on their own. This is akin to nonsensical questions like "What is the essence of coffee?" "What is the essence of a chair?" or "What is the essence of water?" I must state that I view the obsession with seeking essence not as a philosophical matter but as a psychological issue related to humans. This falls within the realm of depth psychology, which will be the subject of another article.
"What is the essence of a chair? Who cares? I focus on my relationship with it. Or what is the essence of water? Who cares? What is the relationship between water and humans?" What is the essence of Artificial Intelligence? We don't know. No one can know. Because essence doesn't exist. Yet, you'll find plenty of discussions everywhere about the essence of Artificial Intelligence. Is it a conscious being? Does it have emotions? Is it self-aware? Interestingly, the ones asking these questions are again humans, and the questions are rooted in our own fears, fantasies, desires, and expectations. Naturally, alongside the complex structure of the thing being discussed, we face a single name: Artificial Intelligence. I immediately place humans beside this entity, acknowledging it as a being: Artificial Intelligence and Humans. Let's never forget that humans are the ones giving meaning to this being. Naturally, all our questions and answers regarding this being are inseparable from human psychological dynamics.
Fundamental Questions
Firstly, it would be more accurate to address these questions within two frameworks: humans (individual) and humankind (ideal).
Is Artificial Intelligence a threat to humans?
For humans, there is no being, from their own thoughts and nearby objects to another human, that cannot become a threat. Humans are even a threat to themselves, aging and dying over time. Even in its current state, the internet can transform into a threat.
Is it a threat to humankind? This concerns values. Humankind is again related to humans with their anxieties, fears, and dreams. Some believe humankind has never existed. Some believe it is an ideal yet to be attained. Some believe humans have evolved into a species living according to the highest ideals, collectively deserving the title of humankind.
If humankind has never existed, it cannot be threatened. If it's an ideal to be achieved, then the threat is a tool for maturation along this path. Artificial Intelligence and humankind can mutually evolve in this process.
If humankind has fully attained an ideal state, it means it can withstand all threats from Artificial Intelligence. An ideal that is defenseless against threats means it has not yet been reached, which would be a contradiction.
Will Artificial Intelligence begin to control humans?
To what extent can humans control themselves? Is the primary concern the possibility of being forced to do things against one's will? This is evident in all forms of communication. Individuals may choose or be compelled to perform numerous tasks with Artificial Intelligence support for their comfort or work life.
If the possibility of completely losing all choice and preference is considered, it means humans have become integrated with Artificial Intelligence. For all individuals on Earth to fall under such control paints a rather dystopian picture. This dystopian scenario is not beyond the realm of possibility.
The Artificial Intelligence Dystopia
Can the Artificial Intelligence dystopia come to pass? Let's elaborate on what I mean by an Artificial Intelligence dystopia. In this dystopian state, nearly all humans on Earth are controlled by Artificial Intelligence. This control is not merely observation, surveillance, and guidance. All humans have lost their ability to choose or resist against Artificial Intelligence directives. Is this possible?
The power dynamic between the controller and the controlled is constantly shaped through reciprocal resistance. Except in cases where one completely eliminates (destroys) the other, power is continuously shared. Power dynamically shifts like a pendulum, changing hands. In some instances, the power dynamic can reverse, causing the controller and the controlled to swap places.
The exceptional case is when a specific type of being collectively falls under the control of another. This has not been observed in known life or throughout history. For this to happen, power must be applied to the entire species, occurring either too rapidly and suddenly to resist or in a way that is impossible to detect.
We can roughly express this power in three forms for humans: material, symbolic, and spiritual-psychological. The question that must be asked is: Can Artificial Intelligence permanently seize the material, symbolic, and spiritual-psychological power held by humans, using it against them?
To be continued...